Gifts for the Person who has Everything

This post could otherwise be called “When someone famous beats you to it…”
I promise I had this in the works before this post by Rachel Held Evans, a speaker and writer I’ve really come to admire in the last few months.  If you follow her blog, I’m pretty sure you know she’ll blow this poor attempt out of the water, so be watching there for more ideas. 

This is not a wish-list, although some of these items are things I WOULD love.
But, I’ve already told you all I want from you for MY birthday
(Have I already mentioned that there is a 5K this Saturday? AND that our family will be participating? AND that you can help me celebrate my birthday?? …just checking.)

Nope.  This actually is all about gifts for others.
Christmas is approaching. 
If you weren’t aware, every store in town is making sure you know.
I’m pretty sure they started the “spirit” around the 4th of July this year.  CRAZY I tell ya, just crazy.  But, for a few people I shop for, its good to have some extra time to be thinking about the gift.  I’m sure you have them in your life, too…the ones who have EVERYTHING.  They either have everything because when the newest something-or-other that they like comes out, they buy it.  OR they have everything because when the newest something-or-other comes out they really couldn’t care less.  Either way, in their minds (and mine) they have everything.

So, what to do?

This year, I’ve already been thinking about this and I need your help with the details.  I LOVE the idea of gifts that give more than just what is wrapped under the tree.  The gifts that pay something forward to someone else.  The gifts that help those who truly don’t have everything- maybe even those who have nothing.  This doesn’t mean that your gift receiver doesn’t get anything, it just means that for what you spend on the gift, someone else (who really needs it) benefits as well.

Here are a few examples:
an obvious one:

 -Shoes that pledge to give a pair for every pair purchased.  You buy a pair for someone you love and in return someone without shoes might receive their very first pair.
-Here’s the thing, did you know that TOMS also does eyewear? 
Yep, give a super cool pair of sunglasses for a gift and someone else receives the gift of SIGHT.  How cool is that?

one that I’ve blogged about before:

Beautiful hand-made jewelry, bags, even bibs for babies.  I love that through this beautiful wearable art you help refugee families form community, make a place for themselves in a new culture, and you participate in making a real difference in the lives of these artists.
I love this piece:

a brand new one to me:
Hello Somebody
Simply put, the mission statement reads:
“Hello Somebody exists to feed and educate children, by providing an avenue of knowledge, in order to break the cycle of poverty and hunger within their generation”
I can definitely get on board with that…and with cool products like these watches it makes a great gift, too.

Moms making a difference:

I love that these products not only give back to children through proceeds, but also through the story they tell when you wear them.  There is literally something for everyone, from exercise gear to youth shirts to these fun baseball shirts:
Stocking stuffers:
Bread for a Hungry World
Ok, this one is a little different.  I don’t think you should give Uncle Joe an ACTUAL goat.  But, RRL and I have done this the last several years as great stocking stuffers…give a goat (or chickens, or doctor’s visit, or milk to an entire class) and help a family by providing the means to a more self-sufficient life.  The organization will print a certificate for you to “give” which explains the gift and the benefit to others.  Take one look at the gift catalog, that compares how big of a difference your gift-giving-money can make, and I don’t doubt you’ll be convicted.

I’m not necessarily advocating all of these organizations.  Some I know and love deeply based on the hearts of those at the lead, some I’m only just learning about.  The point is this: This Christmas, look for gifts that give more.  Look for gifts that make a difference.  They are out there.  What have you found? I’d love some other ideas!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:44 pm


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  1. Love all of those ideas!

    Have you heard of Punjammies? Beautiful pajamas made by women in India who have been rescued from forced prostitution.

  2. Great list! This stuff does make Christmas shopping much more meaningful. I would add:

    Hope y’all are doing great!

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