First Impressions

Thursday was the beginning of something these two best friends have been looking forward to for MONTHS.
The day when KJ’s school ALSO becomes Cbug’s school.
Thursday was meet the teacher, and the very first time when Cbug also got to check-out one of KJ’s favorite places.
And KJ took very seriously his responsibility for showing his “little” brother the ropes.
I was so proud of how patiently KJ waited while we met Cbug’s teacher and found out what we needed to know about him being a “new kid” in the school.  He was so excited to go visit his room, too, but waited and helped Cbug until it was his turn.  He has been asking and asking when “fall” would be here so that Cbug could join him going to school twice a week.  I love that he loves being a “big” brother.
And as for Cbug’s first visit.  Well, lets just say I made this note to self:
“Self, next year before your child’s teacher meets your angel for the first time,
maybe you should have a little family meeting on the topic of first impressions:.” 

Yep, that would be one of the classroom’s plastic dinosaurs that he has hanging out of his mouth.
I’d been talking to his teacher and turned around just in time to catch this lovely moment.
Oh, you gotta love our Cbug! Hopefully his teacher feels the same way.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm


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  1. But at least you got a picture before you suggested that he remove the dinosaur from his mouth…

  2. I bet you get asked if your boys are twins all the time! They are so cute together! I love it that they are best frineds. 🙂

  3. That is why every classroom has soap and water. You didn’t really think it was for washing hands, did you?
    Love the pics!

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