First and Last Days of school

So it only took me until the last day of school to realize I never blogged about Cbug or Lou’s first days of school this year.  Ah well.  Instead, may I present a comparison…

KJ looks so big to me now.  It is like overnight he is officially seven.  He was so excited about the last day of school and ready to be a first grader.  KJ is also looking forward to being back at home more this summer after having to be at school EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  He can’t wait to just play at home with his siblings and has grand plans for how he will fill that time.  And I can’t wait to have them all four together some during the days.

Cbug will always be my clown of a picture taker.  I can definitely see a lot of change in him this year, though.  His teacher has really cultivated in him a love of learning.  I could hardly even talk to her today when picking him up because I knew I would melt into a puddle of tears if I tried to thank her in person for the way she has loved this boy.

I can see the biggest change in Lou’s pictures recently.  In fact, RRL sent me a picture of her today from her end of the year party and I was shocked at how much older she looks all of a sudden.  Lou has had an awesome year with a teacher that really nurtured a class full of girls.  Her sweet teacher atentatively cared for each of Lou’s “ailments” as well as taught her so much about loving Jesus.  What a great year!

So- I loved seeing pictures other friends took of their kids in the same clothes at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.  I thought this was an awesome idea UNTIL I realized just how much my kids had grown.  The boys shirts barely fit and Lou’s dress definitely required leggings this time. 
AND those of you that know me well can easily imagine the near panic that ensued when I realized I had swapped the boys shirts (from first day vs last day).  I realized as I was looking back at their FDOS pictures to make sure they stood in generally the same place (type A, much?). I actually said outloud to console myself, “It doesn’t matter, its not a big deal, they are just different colors”.  And from across the room RRL was cracking up, laughing at me.  He knew that I was all talk.  It totally mattered to me.  BUT HEY, I’m making progress.  I did stop myself short of making them change and just went on with our day.  Aren’t you proud?

As it turns out, we’ve all done some growing and learning and changing this school year.

And I’m so proud of all of us!

Here’s to another great year and the start of an AWESOME SUMMER!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:24 am


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  1. So amazing. Thanks for helping out family creat such great memories!

  2. I love it. I remember trying to wear the same thing on the last day of school as I did the first. I never knew anyone else who did that. 4 kids is the best antidote for type A – I’ll bet. Jessica and I were in Nashville a few weeks ago. Wish I had your mom’s address.
    Tami Weaver

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