Fake Family??

A few weeks ago, a good friend who works for the local Childrens’ Hospital called to ask for a favor. The hospital was doing a photo shoot for advertising and informational purposes and needed some kids to come participate. I was VERY reluctant. I mean, I know my kids are incredibly cute (can’t throw things, its MY blog) and who WOULDN’T want to look at them in a brochure, but lets be honest…at this point in our lives trying to pose the two little rascals for decent pictures is one of the most stressful situations you can place us in.

Long story short, though, all of my excuses ran out (my haircut got canceled, the boys took great naps earlier than usual, the weather was perfect, etc) so we decided to go. AND WHAT AN UNEXPECTED BLESSING! We got some FREE professional pictures, by a photographer that was great at working with kids, and I only mildly sweated through my shirt in the process. Here are a few of my favorites…

There were two funny things that happened which I held over our friends’ head for awhile for “tricking me” into doing this:

1) When I got out of our van, the lady from the hospital that was in charge said “Oh, GOOD, I was really hoping we would get an expectant mother in some of the shots”. UMMMMM, excuse me, didn’t you see the two adorable blonds I brought with me. This is really about them, if anything I’ll make a nice background. But alas, they did take some photos of my nice round belly.

2) RRL couldn’t go with us and apparently there was a “vision” for a complete family in the photos…with an expectant mother. So, they asked if I would mind posing with a fake family- another man and his son. ACKWARD. In fact, so ackward that the photographer kept saying “If you guys want to look like a family, you are going to have to scoot a little closer and quit looking so uncomfortable”. Geez, how can you look NOT look uncomfortable “cuddled” up on a picnic blanket with another man. Pretty sure I haven’t been on a picnic blanket with anyone besides RRL since maybe highschool. No, not uncomfortable at all.

All of that to say, if you happen to see us in a brochure about the Children’s Hospital, just be assured…my marriage (to RRL) is intact, I haven’t traded in my kids for older models, and our kids are perfectly healthy, having never actually been admitted to CCHospital (praise the Lord!). But we did get some free pictures out of the deal.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm

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