there were dishes to do, a mound of folded but not put away clothes calling my name, and a long list of other chores that come with Monday.
BUT today
there were also some questions I couldn’t answer, and there was some confusion and disappointment.
So today
We played dressup.
Because Today
The dishes needed to wait. And they needed me to play. To pretend. And engage. I needed to laugh.
Don’t get me wrong. The time of Joy didn’t really change anything. The dishes still had to be done later, the confusion still lingers, we had to clean up the mess we made in the playroom, I still got frustrated this afternoon in parenting.
but for TODAY
We have these pictures. These memories. We’ll remember we chose Joy.
We will remember
we played dress up.
Allison, you took a mundane Monday and turned it into a joyful, memorable Monday. Even though the chores might need to be done before the end of the day, you showed the kids that there is joy in having fun, joy in being silly, joy in making memories together.
God bless you. You are an inspiration.