Countdown to 30…My Favorites

It’s been real and it’s been fun (maybe even real fun), but the countdown is drawing to an end. I’ve reached the day (unscarred, I might add). If you missed the first 3 pieces of the countdown to 30 and want to check them out:
A trip down memory lane
A bit about me
Embarrassing moments

Now for a few of my “favorites”

25) I always tell RRL that he is “My favorite” and to KJ I say “My favorite little boy” and to Cbug “My favorite baby boy”

26) Favorite scriptures

-If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

– Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

– I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone Oh Lord make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

27) Favorite vacations

– NYC in 1997 with my parents andd brothers

– Backpacking in Italy after 2000 Summer Abroad

– Honeymoon in Boston/Nantucket Dec 2001

– Backpacking in the Grand Canyon with RRL, Labor Day 2005

– Anna Maria Island, the last trip with both of my Grandmothers, Dec 2005

– Honduras in 2007 with my family and RRL’s family

– NYC with RRL, Aug 2008

28) Favorite treats

– Any kind of cookie (especially varieties containing chocolate)

– JLS’ famous chocolate chip cake

– Ice Cream Cake

– Blue Bell Cookies and Cream Milk Shake

29) Favorite music

– For running: RRL’s rock mix (containing favorites like U2’s Beatiful Day and Bon Jovi’s It’s my life)

– For relaxing: JMCH’s mix of hymns (love Fernando Ortega)

– For driving: “Mel’s Music Memories with the Babe’s” (from our college days!)

– For crazy fun: A mix CD that LNS sent me when I was in the hospital in 2004. What other CD can combine MC Hammer and Amy Grant?

30) Favorite age: 30! I’m love being a wife and a mommy. This really is one of the very best times of my life.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm


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  1. Happy Birthday!

    When I turned 30, my sister said to me, “You know all of those women who look like they have it all together? They’ve got the kids, the carpool, everything down to a science. They’re all in their 30s.”

    Welcome to the world of those of us who have it all together! (LOL!)

  2. Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your countdown. It was lots of fun.

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