Christmas Part III: Home Sweet Home

As much as I love our Tennessee Christmas, and as much as we always look forward to Christmas with RRL’s family…
The times in between are truly my favorite (and obviously Lou’s, too).
There is something about Christmas at home, making memories with our little family of 5 that really helps me remember what the season is all about.  It is so easy to remember all the ways we have been blessed when I’m surrounded by the laughter (and even bickering) that come from our three rascals and when I’m snuggled by our Christmas tree with my favorite man.  This never fails to point me to Jesus, to be thankful for all that was sacrificed and all that is celebrated during Christmas time.
Here are a few of my favorite memories from our Christmas season at home this year.
We attended Christmas Eve Service at The Hills, enjoying candlelight worship and story time with “Mr Rick”. 


Then we went took failed (yet priceless) family photo attempt number 567289 for the holiday season
and headed home to put cookies out for Santa/carrots for reindeer (I happen to know that Santa is used to all of his/her food being touched by small fingers) and Nonna read “The Night Before Christmas” (so wonderful to have her here “live” this year instead of via skype).

Finally, three crazies headed for bed (where two little boys enjoyed a brand new set of blue Christmas lights).

The stockings were hung, the presents wrapped under the tree and a true CHRISTMAS MIRACLE occurred when everyone was in bed before midnight and slept until after 8.


I didn’t take a single picture of the kids opening presents, but judging from the after-math, I’d say the gifts were a big hit (and Lou cooks a lot like her mom-dishes everywhere while she talks on the phone)!
Lastly a few videos.  KJ singing Silent Night and Cbug singing Away in a Manger (their songs for the preschool Christmas show) and one of Lou just being her crazy self- telling jokes and saying Merry Christmas.  Enjoy!
I’m so very thankful for these memory treasures made with my favorites!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:48 pm

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