Christmas Part II: Tender Tennessee Christmas

While I do love to be in our little home for Christmas Eve/Day, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without at least some time in Nashville.

So even though the miles are long
(and it sometimes takes 3 babydolls, a purse full of fun, and a cell phone to keep us happy on the trip)…
It is totally worth when you know hugs like this are waiting…
…and you know you’ll get to make memories like helping Nonna cook and helping Papa Jim put out all of the trains.

There will be museums to visit and tea parties to attend.

We’ll enjoy celebrating with extended family, continuing years of tradition with a holiday meal at Mrs Bobo’s boarding house.

No doubt, when Grandparents and Aunts & Uncles are involved there are sure to be PRESENTS you’ll love.

And even when there isn’t snow and even if it has to happen BEFORE Christmas, a tender Tennessee Christmas is sure to be so much fun you’ll want to box it all up and take it home with you!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:48 pm

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