Christmas Part I: Team L version

Because we were travelling for Christmas we decided to do our own little family Christmas early.  It ended up being a perfect idea.  We got to just enjoy the morning together and take delight in watching our kids be so thrilled with opening presents.  We kept it pretty small this year.  We did one big gift for them all to share.
But Lou loved it more when it didn’t have the battery in it.  She loves just sitting in it with her babies and reading or listening to “music” on the radio.  Oh, and she also likes to “check under the hood”.
The boys, on the other hand, LOVE taking it for a ride.  When the battery was ready, they were already dressed for Sunday church, but had to take it out for a spin.  Their wardrobe that day has lead to many-a-comment about their resemblance to a certain group of door-to-door evangelists.
Other than the jeep, the kids loved books, clothes, and toys.  I loved watching their genuine joy in the little things. 
 Lou, especially, told everyone that her favorite part of “Christmas” was the stocking.  She took each item out one at a time. And immediately went to find a place for it in her room before moving on to the next item. 
They relished each detail.

And I relished sharing these moments with my little family. 
I can hardly imagine what it will be like next year with a 8-month-old in the  mix!
After our family celebrations were completed, Cbug and Lou were anxious to move on to the next Christmas stop…
and promptly “packed-up” for Nonna and Papa J’s house.

At 5mps, over the course of more than 700 miles and multiple stops for battery recharging this trip would make our ride in the minivan seem like it passed at warp-speed.  I’m glad they opted to ride with the rest of us, instead.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:43 pm

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