Christmas Part I: Christmas Village

We started our Christmas celebrations off in an incredible way!  While we were in VA for my cousin’s wedding (#4 for the year for our kids to participate in) we got to go to Christmas Village at Busch Gardens.  It was SO very cold, but it was a Christmas wonderland and we all loved being with our family and watching our kids eyes dance in the lights of Christmas.

First, we saw the Sesame Street Christmas show.  A certain baby-sister was so excited she could hardly STAND IT.  And stand she did…through the entire performance.  ELMO, I SEE ELMO!!!!!  She loves him and it cracks me up.  Well, she loved him at a distance.  As soon as we went to meet him after the show, she wanted NONE. OF. IT.  Luckily we were the only ones left to meet the characters for the evening so she got to play a nice safe game of peek-a-boo with Elmo and Abby from a safe distance, loving every minute. 


And the boys enjoyed the park, too, because there were penguins and a train to ride (KJ loves penguins, and Cbug loves trains)

And on top of all of that there were other characters, too. 

Some that were cute and silly… 

       Some that were downright CREEPY…

And some that seem to make all your Christmas dreams come true!
But the best part about starting our Christmas off this way, was just being together!
 Hope your season was filled with the joys of celebrating with family, too!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:48 pm

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