Cbug is ONE!

As shocked as I am to be expecting a GIRL, I’m even more amazed that my baby boy is ONE! Cbug celebrated his birthday at the beginning of January, right in the middle of Christmas craziness. A year ago we were celebrating Christmas at our house with my family and he decided to make his surprise debut right in the middle of it all. Knowing that this would mean his birthday would ALWAYS be caught up in the holidays, I tried to convince him to wait until later in the month, but he was determined! That says a lot about our little guy…DETERMINED. We have been so blessed to have him as part of our family. In some ways it doesn’t quite seem fair that he just celebrated his first birthday and now is only months away from losing his status as baby of the family. As my Momma says, though, “He always be MY baby!”

Happy Birthday, my second born. Your Daddy, brother and I love you so much. I want you to know how blessed we are that you are part of our family. We thank the Lord that his timing was so perfect in bringing you to us and praise Him for the ways he is working in you and working in us through you. There are lots of things we love about you already and I wanted to try to share a few of those with you. Your Daddy and I love that you are so full of life and joy. Even as much as we love you, you are your own biggest fan and always make yourself laugh…which really makes your family laugh. We love how busy you are and how much fun you have just crawling in speedy circles around the house. We love to watch you wrestle with your brother (gently) and we love that you get so excited about balls, trucks, hats and phones. It cracks us up when you say “Uh-Oh”, your favorite word, right BEFORE you throw or drop something. We also love how snugly you are at night, how much you love your little blue bear and how sweetly you suck your thumb as you go to sleep. You and your brother already have such a special relationship. It fills me with pride when I watch you guys play together and just be excited to see each other. You are also going to be an amazing big brother as you help protect and take care of your new baby sister. I can’t wait to see all three of you play together!

Happy Birthday to our BIG one-year-old. What an adventure this year has been- we can’t wait to see what will come in the next one!

I love you, my sugar-bun, my Cbug.

Party pictures coming soon, but for now here are pictures from Cbug’s first year (in order starting with the day he came home and then one for each month)…

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm

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  1. Man, it still looks like he’s bald! I know he’s not, but his hair is so light. And I can’t believe it’s a girl…the X beat out the Y chromosome this time. Yeah! Something new. What fun!!! Congratulations.

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