I love you
more completely
and my love for you is
completely different.
Even on the toughest days
I wouldn’t trade this for all the world.
and wouldn’t want to see the world with anyone else.
I love you
more completely
and my love for you is
completely different.
Even on the toughest days
I wouldn’t trade this for all the world.
and wouldn’t want to see the world with anyone else.
And, just for fun. Here are a few of the other pictures from the photo shoot.
When taking pictures with small children it is always best to take some time to have some fun. And at this photo shoot, there was lots of fun to be had….
and of course, there was also some chasing to do.
And that was the end of the 2009 Christmas card photo shoot.
But even as we walked away (sweating) from the 2009 Christmas card photo shoot, I was thinking about taking pictures last year and already envisioning what next year will look like…when all THREE of them can run away. Its sure to be interesting?!?!?!
-“Lub you”. Cbug loves to be loved on. At bed time he snuggles and kisses and says lub you about 100 times. I love when he sticks his pudgy hand to my lips for kisses over and over as he falls asleep.
-He knows all of his family members names. I love to hear him say his siblings names. As soon as Lou makes the tiniest noise, he runs across the house to her room yelling her name.
-He can count to 10 in English and 5 in Spanish (thanks to a bilingual babysitter and a brother who LOVES Dora and Diego). After he counts he sometimes congratulates himself with “That’s right” or “Great job” That’s a middle child, for ya. Has to praise himself.
-His favorite phrase right now is “See dat!!!!” (the exlamation points only begin to tell the emphasis this phrase ALWAYS comes with. After doing just about any trick that he thinks is amazing he wants to make sure everyone saw.
-I LOVE LOVE LOVE when he says “bless you”. If anyone makes a sound that remotely sounds like a sneeze, Cbug is the first one to say bless you.
-He’s got the manners thing down…especially when he thinks it will get him what he wants. He says please, thank you, welcome, excuse me and sorry.
– I love when he says his food is “Tasty”
-Of course he knows how to say his favorite things…blanket, bear, Queen (Lightning McQueen), Mack, puzzle, story, Thomas and his all-time favorite MATER!
His one/two word sentences combined with facial expressions that communicate ALL of his feelings certainly keep us informed and enetertained these days.
Sure love that Cbug~
from LtoR…
the smirking one who works the system (just enough of a smile to qualify him for a cookie),
the smiling one who already knows to pose when a camera is pointed her direction,
the jolly one in a red suit who my kids could really care less about,
and the glaring one who always wears his true feelings on his sleeve.
Yep, it’s true. A picture is worth a thousand words.
and just in case you wondered what baby sister thought about all of the mess…
Another crazy fun Monday!
ps- This was probably not the best idea for a craft on a day when there is company coming for dinner!