
We’ve joked that poor Cbug could not have had worse timing for his birth. I mean, really, if he HAD to come 3 weeks early couldn’t he have just come about 3 days earlier than he did? 3 days earlier would have meant some really important things for him…like a nice tax deduction as well as helping us further benefit from the tax stimulus plan. See what I mean? Those 3 days really cost us.

Our church does an amazing baby blessing once a year for all the babies born during the previous calendar year. So, even though Cbug was 3-months-old at the time the 2007 babies were celebrated, he just went to the blessing as a spectator and had to wait until this April to celebrate with the other 2008 babies. See what those 3 days cost you, dude?

Seriously, though, his birth could not have been better timed. Being born when he was meant so much GOOD for us. Most of my family “just happened” to be in town when he made his grand appearance and I wouldn’t trade that for any amount of tax dollars. Also, by waiting until this year’s blessing time he got to celebrate with some of our favorite 2008 babies.

This time is exactly as it is is named…a blessing. It is a blessing for the babies as they feel the warm hands of our Shepherds laid upon their tiny heads, hands and feet. It is something that the Momma’s and the Daddy’s treasure as they take a few moments to pray for their sweet little ones surrounded by a body of believers. And it is a blessing for our whole church family as we stand and remember what we are called to do- hold each other before the throne from the moment of birth through the moment we meet our Saviour. I truly love this night each year but of course it is especially sweet when I have a baby of my own being blessed and committed to the Lord’s service.

This was a special time of prayer with an elder and his wife that are so special to our family. I’m not joking when I say that he had some sort of God-ordained touch on Cbug’s leg while he prayed. I have never seen our little man sit so still and listen. That in itself was so moving to me. KJ sat very still and listened, too, but of course he had been bribed with cookies.

Ok, so maybe the whole night was not sappy sweet (if this family photo is any indication). It is always a crazy adventure to wrestle two little boys into any situation like this. If you notice a little pregnancy glow, just attribute it to the fact that I was a sweaty mess by the time this party was over (a party that ended without anyone blowing out any candles, much to KJ’s chagrin)!

Be blessed!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. So you had a 37 weeker, too? Unfortunately, Hudson did not time his arrival around Mamaw’s visit, but she still made it here for his birthday. You are looking good! Can’t wait to meet E. You know, I have a friend with that same name, and I actually call her E! 😉

  2. I love baby dedication night too. You will be participating again next year!

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