April Showers

April Showers is actually quite fitting for us this year.  In April we were completely SHOWERED with blessings and adventures.  This was one of my favorite months of the whole year.  It was also the month I did fairly well at keeping up with the blog, but here are few things that got missed…
Preparations for baby C in full swing.  Thanks to “Drew That” for the adorable matching brother/sister shirts and gown for baby!  I LOVED how these turned out. And they looked super cute with plaid shorts.
Some friends from church threw a shower for baby C in April.  I’m seriously so blessed that even my FOURTH baby is so well celebrated.  I was overwhelmed by the generous idea of my friend Tara to do a “Baby Basics” shower for him.  I got lots of the basics that I didn’t keep after the other three (blankets, onesies, diapers, pacifiers, bottle, etc).  SO practical which totally= my love language.  Its like she knows me or something 🙂
 See Ya SOON
With my baby brothers wedding only a couple of weeks before baby C’s due date, I was really hoping that my parents would come for the festivities and then the baby would arrive so they could just STAY.  It didn’t work out that way and you better bet I was a MESS when they actually LEFT to head home.  So, nothing makes a girl feel better than lunch at Celebrity.  So, that’s what we did before they left.  And as if that yummy lunch wasn’t enough, we also managed to get some of my very favorite pictures out of the deal, too.   
I love comparing pictures.  Here are two of my favorites of my “babies” in the TRUE color of orange.
And lastly, KJs art project for school. This was one of our very first school related “FAMILY FUN” projects.  We were supposed to make a rainbow out of things we could find around the house.  KJ learned a lot from this.  He still knows the order of the colors of the rainbow.  And it was fun.  Up until we left it out overnight and it attracted ants into our kitchen.  FUN.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:28 am

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