And CELEBRATE we did…

As I mentioned, we had a LOT to celebrate last Wednesday.  Thanks to the sweet gift of over-night babysitting by grandparents and Aunt B, we enjoyed more than 24 hours of just that…
We started with breakfast at one of our favorite places.  It just so happens that this is also the restaurant where RRL asked my Daddy if he could marry me.

 Then we headed out to be tourists in the town I grew up in.  So much has changed since I lived there, even places I visited as a child are much different.  We really enjoyed seeing the sights, but I am fairly certain that we would have enjoyed just about anything that day.  We just have so much fun being together.

Case in point, we even LOVED our lunch of side-of-the road-cart hotdogs and chip.  We giggled and enjoyed our lunch.  It is amazing how good food can taste when you share it with someone you love…and don’t have to share bites of it with any little someones.
 As my big surprise from RRL, we checked into this fun hotel that has totally been restored since the last time I was there.  I, of course, loved the tribute to old railroad days.  It was beautiful.
 Next stop, change clothes and head out for a nice dinner downtown.  YUMMY! 
And just because we could (and because we had tickets from Christmas), we went to a late movie.
The next morning, we WILLED ourselves to sleep late…when that only lasted until 8:30 or so, we ate breakfast and went to one more museum (here is where I insert a huge THANK YOU to my Daddy who certainly made traveling as “tourists” in Nville so affordable with passes to museums)
All this celebrating must have putt RRL in an EXTRA good mood because he consented to a girly lunch at one of my favorite places.  The place where I ate with my bridesmaids the day before our wedding.  A place where the median age is somewhere just past grey-hair and the only men in sight are those that have been dragged along.  A place where the common language is barely recognizable because it is dripping with sweet southern drawl…which is only slightly less sweet to me than the restaurant’s amazing tea punch.  He let me indulge on this piece of “home” without complaining a bit.  Yep, he certainly loves me.
And I can’t think of anyone better to celebrate with!
Loved our day together!!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:43 pm

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