Things are a little different around our house when all 8 of us are together. We can’t quite live with the same spontanaeity I once valued, we can’t go and do all the things we used to do. But slowly we are learning that we don’t have to give up EVERYTHING. It just takes some “tweaking”.
When our nephews and neice came to live with us, we didn’t eat in a restaurant for weeks. And the first time we were going to attempt it, the Lord sent us an angel-friend-helper. (Timeout for true-story-side-note: We were on our way to dinner that night, a little skeptical about whether we could handle it when a dear friend literally pulled up next to us at a red light. RRL and I looked at each other, instantly knew we had our answer, rolled down the windows for a quick convo, and she said she would go to dinner with us. Isn’t the Lord creatively delightful?)
We don’t get out much.
But gradually we are getting out more.
I’ve mentioned approximately 12836 times on this blog, that sweet RRL often puts up with (and plays along with) my hare brained ideas. So it will be no surprise to you that when I glossed over the detail of having to get six children ready
(which required stickers being affixed to 6 matching shirts)
and skipped straight to the part about continuing a tradition and celebrating one of our favorite holidays,
…He acted like it was the best idea I’ve ever had!
(and these nearly-twin cousins and baby cousin agreed)
I mean, THERE WERE BALLOONS…what could be better?
That’s right folk’s. In case you were worried, the celebration of “Cow Appreciation Day” lives on for our family.
Although the tradition looked a little different this year
than the last two, we couldn’t miss it.
Even if it did mean a few extra little cows this year, it was well worth it for the free breakfast.
After we finally finished ordering for our little herd, I wondered if this establishment regretted telling us our entire order
would be free.
Thank GOODNESS Ms M, our favorite nanny, was willing to play along.
Despite having 6 very well behaved little cows…
If the last picture looks a teensy bit chaotic. It was.
If the Momma Cow looks like she doesn’t have on any makeup. She doesn’t.
If the tiniest cow looks like he was about to escape. He was.
That’s what makes it hare-brained. AND quite memorable.

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