come what MAY

So, when we put our house on the market in March we decided that if it didn’t sell before baby C was born, we would take a break for the summer and maybe try to sell it again in the fall.  Because who in their right mind would try to move with a newborn.  Welp. After only a few days home from the hospital we got a call that the last person to see the house BEFORE CTL was born, wanted to buy it.  AND we decided if we’re going to get out, lets do it fast.  So we had 30 day close.  Yep, WHIRLWIND. 
So, amidst the craziness of packing, we spent lots of time in May just soaking up our time with this little fella. 
Who at this particular stage we affectionately referred to as our Muppet. C’mon you know you can’t look at those long skinny legs and not start singing “Am I maaannnnn, or I am I Muppet?  If I’m a man, I’m a Muppet of a man”.  Love ya buddy, but wow those legs.

We had lots of help “welcoming” him, from his big sibs, too.  They LOVED playing with him, singing to him and loving on him.   


And the big kids were pretty patient, too, through all of the craziness.  Which is why on more than one occasion, RRL rewarded them with special family fun times.
Like the evening he came home with new water guns and we chased each other around the yard before bed.
Or when he created the Nerf war challenge course in the middle of our home with the 1/2 packed boxes and furniture.

 We were also thankful for good help from family while we moved and adjusted to life as family of 6.
obviously we needed the help.  Because when left to their own devices, these rascals came up with all kinds of craziness.
One word for May would be CRAZY.  But I can’t imagine life any other way.  Because around here, craziness=smothered in love.  And would ya just look at this Mother’s Day loving I got.
No less than 1200283846 times, in public, I’ve heard “WOW, you have your hands full.” And all 1200283846 times my answer is the same. “Yes, I do.  Full of BLESSINGS…very full”

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:28 am

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