Baby Blessing 2013- An Overflow of HOPE

In January our congregation celebrated all of the babies born or adopted in 2012.  Our sweet Little Bear was among the honored and we were so blessed by this evening.  It is our fourth time to share the rituals of “baby blessing” night and while the traditions, the gifts, and the people look much the same- it certainly never gets old.

This round was unique for our family because RRL couldn’t be there.  One of the only times he will travel this entire year for work, fell on exactly the same week.  It couldn’t be helped.  But PRAISE THE LORD (and I don’t say that lightly) for modern technology.  RRL wasn’t there to hold my hand, but I was able to hold my ipod in my hand…and have him facetime during the prayer.  So cool!  Also, my mom and RRL’s mom were there.  So baby C was well surrounded in Daddy’s absence.
I will always treasure the hands of these two couples as I watched how they patiently snuggled, prayed, blessed and (lets be real here…) corralled all four of my children during this special time for Little Bear.  They were completely sincere in their patience and love and care and more than anything they said, those actions were an incredible sign to me of their love and commitment to helping RRL and I raise these four treasures.
One of the verses shared with Little Bear by our Elders that evening was
Romans 15:13 
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Because of the timing of CTL’s entrance into our family I can’t even tell you how much these words resonate with me.  Our sweet boy’s story, in just these first short months of his life, certainly overflows with hope.  And not because of anything that our youngest son, in and of himself has done or could ever do.  But because of THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  I’ve often said that this little one’s conception and birth remind me that God never EVER forgot about us.  Not for a second.  In the hardest, darkest times He delighted in remembering us, in providing us HOPE in amazingly creative ways.
I’m so thankful for the place where we worship.  Although it is just that- a place- it is so much more to us.  It is a home.  A home where there are amazing men an women reminding us of TRUTH and speaking it into the lives of our children.  Just like these sweet shepherds did through these words in Romans.  They are claiming our children’s lives- not by anything they can do, but by THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  That they may indeed
And that is a blessing.
(Please make no mistake about the reason that CTL’s big sibs are laying hands on him during this time of blessing.  Poor littlest guy.)
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:26 am

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