
I believe in the power of prayer. I am 100% sure of few things, but one of those is that our Father is faithful and good to those who love Him. One of the people that RRL and I are friends with is hurting. Her health has rattled her young body more than anyone deserves. She is amazingly strong, having endured more than most of us will face in a lifetime. Christine, her husband and family have been such an encouragement to so many others during this tough time for them and now they have a simple request- to pray. Please read the following link then commit to join me in joining them to cry out on Christine’s behalf. Just for a moment, right now, as you read this, just stop and pray. Just beg God to completely heal Christine, take away her pain, and let her have a healthy pregnancy. Then pray for Christine, Matt, Jack (their son) and their baby on the way. Also pray for their parents and others that are giving so many hours right now by Christine’s bedside. THANK YOU!

For more information go to the blog of Christine’s mom and read the post called “You are invited…”

Thanks, in advance, for joining this fight, even if you do not know Christine!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm

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  1. this sounds just horrible…. we will be praying for her and her family….

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