So little to be so big

It is so hard to believe that KJL is SO BIG…yet so small! I’m more than a week late with his HAPPY BIRTHDAY post, but things get a little crazy around our house as summer begins. Do not let the lack of blogging recognition, though, fool you into thinking we did not celebrate his big day. Celebrate we did- for almost a whole week!

First, let me just brag…I was up until 2am working on this cake. I was really proud of the results (for a first ever attempt at anything creative).

As for the rest of the party…If you want the fast version, I’ve posted a couple of actual pictures. If you want to take a little longer, you can watch the whole slide show. As you can tell, he’s just a little dude. But he sure thinks he is big. He is trying to walk, into everything, and talking none stop (if only we had a translator). What a cute kid! I cannot imagine my life without this one-year-old. He has taught me so many things in such a short time, and he has even helped me to love his daddy EVEN more than I already did. What a gift it is to be a parent! This last year has definitely come with its obstibles, we are learning to rely on the Lord in a whole new way and some days are just play TOUGH. I wouldn’t dare trade away one of them, though, because I would, no doubt, miss out on some slobbery kisses, snuggly hugs, a few good laughs and more joy than my heart can hold. We love you, KJ! Happy late birthday!!

I am glad that KJ’s party gave me some time with family. I really missed my brother, though.

We were so thankful that RRL’s sister and her family could join us from Central America. What a treat to spend time together!

Red icing was a FANTASTIC idea… It sure was cute though!

The party was fantastic, KJL was an angel and I felt so blessed to have so many of the people who have loved and supported us through this year to be there with us to celebrate! There were a lot of you that we really missed though! Thanks for all you’ve done to make KJ’s first year amazing.



Ps- Here is the slideshow

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. How in the world did you make that cake? Soo cute. Wish we could have been there to help celebrate (AKA: eat the cake.)
    Love you guys!

  2. Allison, your cake is giving me an inferiority complex. What on earth! I am in awe. I could barely pull off balloon cupcakes for Casen’s b-day. Sweet boy, fun day. We need to hang out soon.

  3. That photo of your “little conductor” is too cute. It looks like you had a lot of fun celebrating his big day. Give that kid a squeeze for me!

  4. Allison- I knew you were multi-talented…but that cake is unbelievable! What a great day!

    May this next year be the best one yet! Love you-


  5. wow… now that’s a cake!! I am imressed! And he is so cute in his little conductor getup! I cant believe it has been a year! Happy Birthday, KJ!

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