No apologies…

I will not apologize to you who disagree with me, or even to my husband. I do not plan to make apologies to my boys later in their lives either. I will not apologize for the fact that I like to dress my baby boys like the precious babies that they are. I love smocked overalls, peter pan collars, knee socks and little white shoes. I love baby blue bubble suits and cordorouy christmas outfits. I’m not quite ready for sweaters and ties and black leather shoes like daddy’s. Don’t get me wrong, KJ has his share of “big boy” jeans, polos and tennis shoes. He loves to wear baseball caps and his crocs. I do not plan to try to keep him from growing up, but I just can stand to rush through the way my heart melts when my baby can just be a baby.

We only have a few months left before I will feel like KJ is outgrowing some of this so I’ve been in high-gear making sure we make the most of that time. Only problem is, I seem to be in a minority. You can’t just walk into any department store these days and find a white peter pan collared shirt or white dressy knee socks (wardrobe essentials in my opinion). Stride Rite, at more than $40 a pair, seems to have the market cornered on solid white dress shoes (although, thanks to a shopping tip from Tara, I did find finally some at Walmart). Anyone else out there working hard to dress your baby boy like a baby without spending a fortune? Any tips?

As inspiration for those of you who may disagree with my dressing philosophies, here are a few of my favorite pictures of KJ.

3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months


Now if that last one won’t convince you, probably nothing will. I think even RRL admitted that he looked really cute that day! You don’t have to agree about the clothing choices, but hopefully we can all agree on how cute KJ is!!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. You know that I agree!! Dress him like a baby for as long as you can – he will be a big boy soon enough.
    Love ya,

  2. Ummm – why would you need to apologize? He is a precious, sweet boy who always looks classically cute!

  3. The pictures ARE cute, but it was MUCH better to see him in person!
    Papa Jim

  4. Hi! I stumbled on your blog and I love your post about dressing baby boys up! I totally agree with the knee socks and white shoes. I had a baby boy last May and I do classic white smocked outfits for all of his pictures (and as much as I can for church). I shop at Strasburg (their sales are usually good and they are currently having 30% off clearance), Talbot’s Kids (there are Talbot’s outlets, too) and a good site I’ve seen with sales is My favorite store, though, is Janie and Jack. They don’t have smocked things for baby boys but they do have a really classic look. Also, you can get free shipping from their online store if you place your order in the store. Best of luck to you, your little ones are precious! ~Brittany Skloss~

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