In other news…

I wanted to give a Christmas/early 2008 update, but it was important to me to wait until after I blogged about our special anniversary day. I know that all 4 of my readers have been on the edge of their seats waiting for pictures of KJ’s Christmas and other happenings. Here are a few updates on our lives over the last week or so:

1) We had an amazing Christmas. It actually started on the 21st and just finished last night. More than a week of crazy Christmas fun! We celebrated with about 50 people from RRL’s extended family on the 21st, spent Christmas eve and Christmas morning celebrating as a family of 3 for one last time, spent Christmas day with RRL’s family, and we celebrated with my family last night. KJ has loved Christmas. Mostly he loves all of the attention and like to perform for the camera. He says “cheese” and makes the funniest little face (look at his picture from a couple of posts ago). All of his favorite things that he received for Christmas cost less than $5. He loved pulling goldfish crackers and teddy grahams out of his stocking and he LOVES his nurf basketball goal that is hanging in his room.

2) I love that it REALLY wasn’t all about the presents for KJ. His innocence and excitement made this year so much fun. Being a parent of a young one also really helped keep everything in perspective for me. I thought a lot about Mary as I watched his face light up and also as I felt the baby move inside of me. I love and am so proud of my children. She must have had those moments as she watched Jesus learn to talk, walk and play. I’ve never really thought about her as a mommy to a toddler.

3) KJ is now sleeping in his big boy bed. It is the cutest bed, thanks to the “choo-choo train” bedding that Nonna gave KJ for Christmas, but it just looks huge when he is curled up on it. Even though it doesn’t really fit, we attached his fisherprice acquarium to make it feel like “home” which seems to help. We did have a couple of nights of rough transition (waking up scared in the middle of the night), and going to bed is still taking a little longer than it did when he was in a crib. However, considering we’ve only been at it about 4 nights and he is already adjusting, I would call it a success.

4) BL2 still does not have an official name. We have narrowed it down to a top two- Colter and Hudson. Most people vote Hudson which makes me think I might pick Hudson, but then I’m a little disappointed about not naming him Colter which makes me think we’ll choose Colter. See where I get stuck?

5) Also on BL2…he seems determined to make an early appearance. I suppose most pregnant women would be thrilled at this prospect, but my over-analytical/ need-to-plan self would really prefer he stick to the date that the doctor gave him. I’ve tried communicating this to our little guy and obviously do not know yet whether he will listen, but the doctor is pesimistic that he will cooperate with Mommy’s plans. Without going into any uncomfortable details, lets just say things are “progressing” enough to make her think he’ll be here in the next week or so. Unfortunately, the doctor (nor I) have a crystal ball, so…we wait. I do LOVE knowing, though, that the God who created our little man is in complete control of all the details of his arrival.

6) Is it sad that I am very proud that my wedding rings still fit (most of the time, night is a little different). I’m thankful I haven’t had to take them off yet. With KJ I had to quit wearing them around 7 months I think. Maybe the cold weather counteracts the swelling?

7) In not so fun pregnancy news, I have serious heartburn. I did not experience this with KJ and it is DISGUSTING, usually in the middle of the night or right as I am trying to go to sleep. I am addicted to Tums. Who knew they could taste like chocolate?

8) Back to real news…My family is here for the whole week. YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! As part of their visit we went to a Bowl game on New Year’s Eve day. My brothers jump team did the skydiving performance, bringing the American flag into the stadium, which was SO COOL. Since KJ wasn’t going to the actual game, we took him to see the practice jump the day before. He loved the airplanes and of course he loves his favorite C1C, Uncle D.

9) We spent New Year’s eve with some of our favorite people. It was a laid back night of playing games, eating bbq and I wish I had pictures of the fun group that so graciously came to our house so that I would not have to go out anywhere and KJ could be home to go to bed. I am blessed to call them friends.

10) It is truly amazing to me how much happened in 2007. Just thinking about how much KJ has grown and changed is enough to shock me. RRL has had some serious job transitions, we found out about the upcoming arrival of baby boy #2, we’ve walked with friends through some tough trials and we’ve celebrated many answered prayers. I cannot wait to see what 2008 holds in store for us and you- keep us updated!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm

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