One of the coolest days ever…

As my brother M (the older of my two brothers) pointed out, May 28th was one of the coolest days EVER for our family. The baby of our family graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in both Civil and Environmental Engineering and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the United States Air Force. How many people can claim that in their list of lifetime accomplishments?

Mr President, meet 2nd Lt DMB.

Whatever your political opinions of George W. may be, you have to admit that standing in the misting cold rain to salute and shake hands with every single one of the 1000+ graduates was pretty amazing of him.

Although we are incredibly proud of his accomplishments at the academy and his commitment to serving our country, our favorite thing about him is his role as Uncle D.



Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm


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  1. What an accomplishment! Congratulations to D and to your family!

  2. awesome!! Congrats to Uncle D! That is a super cute pic of him and the boys

  3. Hey friend! I wanted to let you know that I went private on my blog. I want you to keep reading if you want to. If so, email me at Love you! m

  4. Wow! Way cool! My hubby graduated with a Civil Engineering degree, but Pres. Bush couldn’t make it. I think he was busy or something. Ha! Ha!

  5. That is so great!!! Congrats!!

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