Jesus lives in Nashville

According to KJ, Jesus lives in “Nashville”. Nonna and Papa J live in Nashville. Therefore in his little mind all planes, trains, boats, helicopters, and school buses are headed to Nashville. Naturally, where else would Jesus live? One of our new best buddies from the Ruidoso mission trip was trying to teach KJ that Jesus lives in his heart. We’d talk about it over and over during that week. It didn’t stick. As we believe that Jesus lives everywhere (including Nashville) we haven’t forced the topic yet.

We worked with an amazing group of 9th (going into 10th) grade teens in Nashville and for the week they really did show the heart of Jesus to those we worked with. I could not have been prouder.

Sorry I’ve been a bit absent from the blogging world. Oh the life of a YM’s wife…summer is crazy. There are so many of you that I think about and pray for during the summers because I know what it means for you and your kiddos…Chris and Martha, you have especially been on my mind with your THREE little ones and hubbies so busy! Love you both.

The boys and I went on two of the teen mission trips with RRL this year (insert the “I must be crazy” speech here). We had lots of help from adult sponsors and teens, though, so it really was not as bad as I thought it might be to travel for 10-12 hours with the boys. I will say that I would not necessarily recommend that you spend 6 nights with two small children in a dorm room with community bathrooms unless you have lots of help (like I did). We went to Nashville and Ruidoso and had a blast. I learned a lot through the eyes of my 2-year-old along the way. Some funny (like the fact that Jesus lives in Nashville) and some serious (like the fact that prayers work better than hand sanitizer). I’m going to do a couple more posts of the highlights so stay tuned. I’ll end with pictures (in a few days, when RRL can show me where they are).


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm

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  1. It makes sense that Jesus would live where Nonna and Papa do. What a cutie! I’ll look forward to seeing your pictures.

    I was so sad not to see you guys. I thought of you a lot on the trip back as I saw signs of your company. Hoping for more frequent meetings sometime in the future. Love you.

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