Miss Jonah

The theme of this year’s Summer Spectacular was Jonah and the Whale. We certainly LOVE “Miss Patty” and “Miss Mindy” and all the other amazing people who make our children’s ministry and nursery absolutely amazing. If you ladies have any doubt that the lessons of the week were fully absorbed by those precious little hearts, just ask KJ about Jonah and the Whale…it is his new favorite story. So much so that there is a precious lady that lives next door to my parents who shall from here forward, thanks to KJ, always be known as “Miss Jonah” (her name is Jo).

On that note, tonight was C-bugs first night in the nursery. For some reason this is always a sentimental milestone for me. He just went during the bible class part, but it still made me feel like he is getting so big. Here he is with our precious “Miss Mindy”. Thank you for making this an easy hand-off. I could not imagine a better person to leave him with! (And yes, that is just the kind of mom that I am…I took my camera).

I just wanted to let you ladies know what an impact you had on our summer, our children and our family! We love you!!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:08 pm

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