Worth posting for…

updated for pictures

I totally had so many things that I was planning to blog about last week, and I even put up the last post to motivate myself into feeling like I HAD to at least put pictures up. However, Cbug has been sick this week and then we had his birthday party this weekend, my parents came for a visit and well…life happened. Ah well….all of that can wait, I have big news to share…

We just had our sonogram and were shocked (and of course very excited) to find out that we are going to have a


I can’t even believe I just typed that.

We are just so thrilled to know that she looks perfectly healthy- as much as you can tell on that little screen- and can’t wait to see how she adds to our family. We believe that the Lord has special plans for her (as he does for each of us) and can’t wait to meet her!!

We did things a little differently for our third sonogram (the first of many times we’ll do things differently, I’m sure). We invited our family to join us. Here is the whole gang (RRL, KJ and CBug, one Momma, One Mother-in-law, two sister-in-laws, one niece and one Daddy behind the camera..and me, of course)

KJ and his cousin, getting ready to watch the screen…from between the stirrups. NICE.

I think it is very funny that the moms in this picture look like they are wearing their votes (blue and pink).

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm


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  1. fun times! so happy for ya’ll!

  2. The Flow gang is soooo excited. Little girls are so special and her big brothers will love her!
    Love ya,
    The Flow’s

  3. YEA!!!! I am SOOO excited for you guys I can hardly stand it! I want to go bow shopping TOMMOROW! She is going to be precious. Skinned knees and frills! Love you! 🙂

  4. Oh my – what do you do with a GIRL?!?! How fun for your family – she will be a wonderful addition to your sweet clan there!! yea!!

  5. What great news! Your boys will be fantastic big brothers. Sweet, spoiled baby sister. 🙂

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