Mothers’ Day

While I have always appreciated my mom, I really did not fully grasp all that she sacrificed for me until I was a mom myself. I now realize that I could never say “thank you” or “I’m so sorry” enough times for all that she endured!

I have a new appreciation for the amazing humility she showed as she spent years of selfless service raising 3 children. She never let on that her job was tough and although she claims there were moments she lost her temper, needed a break, or said things she regretted none of those moments are what I remember. They must have been significantly outweighed by the fact that she came to every single sporting event the three of us participated in (rain or shine), cooked countless dinners and knew each of our favorites, spent money she could have used for her dream house or wardrobe on braces, college and a little Ford Probe, and that she always made our home a place I always wanted to bring my friends to.

Over the years our relationship has continued to grow and change. Now she encourages me to be a better Mom to my own boys (and soon to our baby girl). She is a confidant and friend and no one understands me better. She has blazed a little trail, despite the miles, between my house and hers still making it a priority to be so invested in my life. Mom, I’m so thankful you are always only a phone call away and I’m so thankful for the relationship you have with KJ and C-bug. Can’t wait for baby sister to meet you, too!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. Your mom is adorable. I’ve really come to appreciate 10 minute conversations almost daily now that I have a baby and mom is 1500 miles away. Sometime, you just need to talk to mom and thank God for phones!

  2. Your mom is not only a great mom, she is also a great friend and confidant! I’m ready for her to come home from her travels. I miss our lunches and almost daily phone calls. How can I know what’s going on with your brothers, you and your family unless she comes home and tells me! I know I won’t have her for long, because she’ll be back on the road to Texas for the arrival of Libby!

  3. Happy Mother’s Day to two very Special Mothers! Amen to what Paulette said. Can’t wait to have to you all here. You will have to join us with all the babies for one of our Power Lunches. We will all help – got lots of Good Babysitter waiting to take a turn!
    Hope you had a wonderful day.
    Love you,

  4. I second the fact that you have a really great mom! We love her so much! Happy Mother’s Day, Karen!

  5. I am just now seeing all of this! I really don’t know what to say……other than,
    Thank you!

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