Is FOREVER enough?

I’ve mentioned the Dixie Chics “Lullaby” on this blog before. This week, though, I’ve been overwhelmed by the chorus…

How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough, is forever enough
How long do you want to be loved
Is forever enough
Cause I’m never, never giving you up

When I sit on my couch snuggling my sweet newborn girl, watching the man I love chase the most adorable blond headed boys I’ve ever seen, and enjoying my parents here to share so many of these first memories with us…I’m not sure FOREVER is enough! Granted, this week has been pretty far from real life for us. My house is clean (not by me), meals just magically appear and the entertainment committee is in full swing for the boys with my parents here and RRL taking some time off of work. Always the realist, I know there are rough days are ahead and this Mommy-of-Three thing may be far from glamorous in the near future, but I’m pretty sure even that can’t change how full my heart is at this moment- absolutely bursting at the seams!
Because I’ve just been swept up in resting, nursing, snuggling and enjoying my family, I haven’t taken time before now to organize my thoughts on baby sister’s arrival and the details of her birth. I’ll definitely do that soon, but for now here are some of my favorite pictures of the little miss from the last week. I could stare at them FOREVER.

PS- Can you tell that our theme around here has been “another day, another bow?” LOVING IT!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:06 pm


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  1. How BEAUTIFUL! We are so excited for you all. We can not wait to meet little sister. Love all the girly bows – you are going to have so much fun dressing Libby.
    Love you all.
    The Flow’s

  2. she’s so precious! I really want to meet her! And we know all about bows at our house, how can you resist?

  3. Ha! Ha! Another day, another bow. Glad you are living it up. It’s so wonderful to have help!!!

  4. Love the pictures and REALLY love all the bows! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Isn’t having a girl SO much fun!!!! I haven’t had a boy yet, but I praise God every day for the incredible bond I feel with my two girls. It’s truly amazing!!!

  6. she is beautiful. another wonderful addition to the hayes clan.

  7. Delicious, just delicious!

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