MMM: The best plans…

…are made to be broken!

So one thing I hadn’t factored into this whole “Makeover My Monday” business was that I might actually learn a few things about myself. Today’s lesson: A type-A accountant with a plan is sometimes dangerous and may completely lose sight of the goal to protect the plan.

Today didn’t go like I planned and I was definitely frustrated at first. It was my fault, I hadn’t really prepared ahead of time, but I had big visions of doing wonderful things for some veterans. I mean really, we even dressed in red, white and blue. However, the book I was going to get from the library was checked out, the lady we needed to talk to at the retirement home about visiting veterans was out today and to be honest, my kids were in no mood for my plans. So even though we did color some awesome pictures to mail to our favorite Lieutenant, Uncle D, that was pretty much IT for our the MMM:Veteran’s Day edition.

BUT MMM was never really about “the plan” right. The heart of it really was spending intentional time with my kiddos. right? So, even though my plan failed with a capital F…this Monday was still a keeper. With every ounce of determination I could muster (and it took a lot), I abandoned the plan, then left the laundry, the dishes and the grime sitting right where they were and headed out for some fun. We may not have given hugs and handshakes to veterans, but we sure did makeover our Monday!

We sat outside and watched
the recycle truck. (A big event
around here! )

We celebrated the earning of a Mack Truck (it cost KJ ten hard earned pennies).
Then we continued our celebrations of
KJ’s accomplishments with a lunch with
Daddy and playing for a long time
at the “adventure bridge park”
(as dubbed by KJ).
Now, you tell me that wasn’t a Monday well spent…even if it is still killing me that my plan wasn’t the best plan for today 🙂 We did have several “Monday” moments today (thanks to a certain almost 2-year-old testing his Mommy), but I loved that we also did a lot of laughing, playing, and enjoying this beautiful Monday.
Oh, and I do have to tell you about my “consolation prize”. So, when I said we didn’t get to meet any veteran’s today, I wasn’t entirely truthful. We didn’t meet any in the way I had planned, but a meeting was arranged, none-the-less. We went to Chick-Fil-A (shockingly) to meet RRL for lunch and “happened” to sit next to three ladies working busily on a project for their church. We soon overheard that they were organizing an effort to send care-packages to soldiers. I nudged RRL and he just grinned. He knew that I had been frustrated last night when I couldn’t really figure out a good way to get stuff together to send to soldiers. I definitely went over, met the ladies, heard about the project and found out how I could help. I also got to introduce KJ to one of the ladies who just “happened” to be a Vietnam Veteran, having served for 23 years in the army. KJ got to talk to her, tell her thank you and shake her hand. I don’t think he had any idea what was going on, but it was an awesome MMM moment for his mommy. Thanks Lord for that, and for reminding me that even a type A accountant can step outside the plan and be BLESSED.
oh, and PS- after all of our “unplanned” MMM fun, all three of my kids slept for 2.5 hours and I got a LOT done around our house! Three cheers for that.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:05 pm


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  1. You just made me feel guilty because both of my kids are sleeping and instead of getting a lot done around my house I’m reading your blog and eating a bunch of chocolate animal crackers. 🙂 – Your kids are precious and I love hearing about your MMM days! Ok, think I’ll go do something productive now…

  2. Hey, you honored the best soldier that we know “Lt. Dan”! He will love getting the pictures from your children.

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