Merry Christmas {the card}

Thanks to our amazing Cindi and her “crew” we got some great pictures
for our Christmas card this year. I had lots of fun putting it together.
Trying to get it printed was another story, but I was happy with the final product.

And, just for fun. Here are a few of the other pictures from the photo shoot.

While we did take a couple “sit, smile, and look at the camera”, we also tried lots of ideas for non-traditional poses to try to better capture our active crew.

When taking pictures with small children it is always best to take some time to have some fun. And at this photo shoot, there was lots of fun to be had….

and of course, there was also some chasing to do.

But with the help of 3…yes count them…THREE photographers,
we did get some great pictures that helped to capture these anything but boring days!

And that was the end of the 2009 Christmas card photo shoot.

But even as we walked away (sweating) from the 2009 Christmas card photo shoot, I was thinking about taking pictures last year and already envisioning what next year will look like…when all THREE of them can run away. Its sure to be interesting?!?!?!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:04 pm

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  1. Great card! I thought the nicknames were just a blog thing, but I guess they really stuck. I call Hudson “Bub or Bubby”, which Chad likes to change to “Bobby” (Yuck). Anyway…I wonder how long that will last…it’s kind of a baby name. Merry Christmas to you all. I can see you have your hands full!!! And I think Lou must like smiling more for mommy than anyone else. You have the special touch. 🙂

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