MMM: Try this at home!

This Monday activity was so fun, it has been requested on multiple occasions since this first effort.  And in some shape or form, the “obstacle course” will also make an appearance at KJ’s birthday party.  Not only was the activity awesome because the kids loved it, I loved it because…
a) it took little to no preparation ahead of time (the only thing I did was make numbers for the various obstacles)
b) It used all materials/supplies that we had around the house- I did not buy anything
c) I felt like it was also educational because I made the boys follow directions in number order.
d)I got to participate!
So, here you go. Our own personal backyard obstacle course… 
First, drive the vehicle of your choice throughthe dandelion maze (so glad we have weeds!)    
Second, climb the rock wall and zoom down the slide (and try not to get your fingers stepped on in the process)
Third- go for a wild-headfirst-dive over the beachball
Next, make your best shot…number 4 is the basketball goal.
For number five, climb through the tunnel of fun and then run for number six…the rope swing.
You’ll have to be a great shot again for number seven, but this time you can only use your feet.  Soccer time!

In number 8 we want to keep the dandelion maze around for our next obstacle course, so go ahead and blow those seeds all over the yard……and while you are taking deep breaths, blow some bubbles for number 9.
Lastly, you’ll have to have a good arm and accurate aim. Throw the frisbee toward the finish line!
We had so much fun doing this over and over.  Then KJ wanted a turn “watching” and taking pictures.  So I got a turn at the course!
And when Colter got tired of the obstacle course you will be shocked to learn that he…
…headed for the sandbox!
These stunts may look wild and dangerous, but I would say you should DEFINITELY try this at home folks!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:51 pm

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  1. Dude! That looks like fun. We should ALL send our kids to your house for the course. 🙂

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