KJ’s big day

On May 27th, KJ Turned FOUR!
And he also celebrated the last day of his very first year of preschool.  He loved being a “Little Boulder” with Ms Val and Ms Megan.

Daddy and Mommy were so proud of our big 4-year-old and how much he learned this year!
 And he is so proud of his mad skills on his brand new bicycle.  So proud that he had to show off before his program, then one more time after getting ready for bed.
 What a difference one school-year-makes.  Look how little he looked on the first day of school compared to the last.



He (and little brother) are counting the days until “fall”…and Cbug gets to join KJ at one of his favorite places PRESCHOOL.  At this rate, I know it will be here before we know it.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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