The best description for our church’s annual VBS is in the title itself…. SUMMER SPECTACULAR.  It truly is spectacular.  This year’s theme was Elijah, complete with rain and fire and Elijah actually outrunning the chariot.  Our kids L-O-V-E-D it!! 

I helped teach the first graders and boy was it crazy.  They were balls of precious energy and kept us laughing each night.  One of my favorite stories was the night that Tara asked the kids something to the effect of “Did you see the show last night, wasn’t it amazing?” and one precious class-clown answered “It was alright, do you know what is really amazing…Free Pizza!”  Wow.  What an impact we are making.  Ha. 

Between teaching, rushing to take/pick-up my own kids, and going to the show, I didn’t take many pictures.  Which is a shame because the whole building was decorated in ways that would amaze you.  I guess you’ll just have to ask these three cuties what they thought about it!

On second thought, maybe you should just come see for yourself next year!

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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