Nonna and Papa Jim

There are days when the miles between us and my parents just seem unbearable, but one amazing blessing about living in another town is that when we are together we are REALLY together.  My whole family was together in June for my brother’s wedding, but it was quite a whirlwind of events, so we loved that just a couple of weeks later my parents came to our house for a visit.  We loved that they were here for Lou’s birthday party and we so enjoyed our time together.

We enjoyed walks in the park together.

And we visited one of our favorite restaurants, which just happened to have a visiting racecar.  Oh. My. Word.  Two little boy were beside themselves with joy.  It doesn’t take much.

and we just enjoyed watching what grandparents and grandchildren do best- being TOGETHER!

Each day is a blessing, but days filled with family are my favorite kind!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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