Saturday mornings

We have adopted a new Saturday morning (or sometimes Sunday) ritual. 
Running/riding the trails of our neighorhood.
Trust me, our kids faces may not reflect it, but its fun.
Sometimes.  Usually.
It actually was MORE fun this week when the temperatures were not headed toward 100 before the sun was up.
Or maybe it was MORE fun this week, because we recruited Hatch to come and help push for a few miles.
Whatever the reason…lets hope the MORE miles we add the fun will just keep multiplying! 
This week 7.
Next week 8. 
Now that should be FUN.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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  1. Hatch will push anytime – I just don’t think I can come to Nashville to run that 8 with you. I bet Nonna and Jim will be just fine watching them while you run!

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