Born to be a Wildcat

This post is for two reasons:
1) So you don’t get the blog-impression that we only have two children.  In case you were worried, the feisty princess is alive and well.  She is just a bit small for things like sitting through movies or going to school.
2) The obvious.  Because she is just SO STINKIN’ CUTE in her “Wildcat” shirt, pigtails, and toothy grin.  Why wouldn’t I rush to share?
Of course I took her picture in the little red wagon.
Because, you know, it has been said that I might be am:
– A planner
– A sucker for tradition
– A (little tiny bit) type A
And, therefore…
HER picture had to match THEIR picture
To answer your questions:
Yes, we have three children.
And, yes, sometimes their mom gets a little obsessive about small details. 
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm


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  1. You should send that picture into ACU so sweet libby can be in the next ACU magazine 🙂

  2. Already done, Megan! Sent it this weekend.

  3. Allison, I just love reading your blog! Might have something to do with being type “A” myself! haha I’ve always thought we’d enjoy each other!! Your children are so cute and I love seeing the fun you guys have as a family!! Thanks for sharing!

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