A different sort of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for us this year was different from any holiday we’ve experienced as a family.  We planned to be with my family the next weekend for my cousins wedding so we didn’t travel for Thanksgiving and RRL’s family was in South America visiting his sister.  So it was just the five of us.  A couple of months beforehand- when I knew this was how it was shaping up to be- I really had to start working on my attitude.  Thanksgiving is typically one of my very favorite holidays for one reason- so much family time.  I wasn’t sure how I could possibly enjoy it without my family! 

(Insert here speech to self about the Lord’s constant provision, amazing ability to know exactly what we need, and perfect timing with all of His good gifts- and consequently a conscious decision to have  good attitude no matter how much I HATED THE IDEA.)
It turns out, though, that this will be a Thanksgiving I will always treasure. 

We had such a fun morning doing the neighborhood Turkey Trot- and at the last minute got the amazing NEALS to make “Team L” shirts for us.  So.Fun. (and a little cheesy- but that’s the way we roll).  That morning when we got up it was bitter cold thanks to gusty wind and drizzles.  But our team is fierce (and a little ignorant for not checking the weather better) and decided to brave the weather.  The picture below, shows quite well what KJ thought of the whole thing and Cbug cried nearly the whole race despite his layers of clothing, blanket and cozy stroller ride.  We survived.  And got the metals to show for it- even the stroller-riding members of our team got medals, so I think that changed their perspective on the morning (a little).
Not only did we get finisher medals, I actually got a third place medal, too…for my age division…in which there were apparently about 4 people.  But hey, I EARNED it!
Then we spent the whole rest of the day with some amazing friends from our Small Group, also “geographically orphaned” for the holiday.  I sadly have approx ZERO pictures of that, but take my word for it- the food was AMAZING, the friends were the sweetest, the games and conversations were super fun, and the children played so well it was like a Thanksgiving miracle!  I loved every minute of it.  It was a wonderful surprise blessing to just be able to enjoy relaxing and being with people we love.
We came home and finished our Thanksgiving tree before bed, adding the last of nearly 100 leaves on which we wrote all that we are thankful for during the month of November.  We are truly so very blessed.

The day after Thanksgiving, KJ asked to do his “Thankful Leaf” we tactfully explained to him that Thanksgiving was over…of course we were always thankful and so very blessed, we just weren’t going to write it on leaves anymore.  He was NOT THRILLED.  And how do you argue with your four-year-old that “No, absolutely not, we are not going to continue writing down what we are thankful for” so we’ve moved on to a Thankful Journal.  KJ actually brought the little book home from bible class and we’ve been writing in it together.  We don’t do it every night now, but I love that we have gotten in the habit of taking time to remember all of the ways we are blessed. 
And I love how much we are learning from our children!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:49 pm

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  1. For some reason I did not get to see these once printed! I love the shirts glad y’all liked them too! Oh and I love cheesy! Lindsey

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