My favorite blessing

The Lord has been so good to bless me with so many things- good health, amazing family, sweet memories.  But one blessing stands out amongst them all as one I treasure in a way like none other.  Nine years ago today I was incredibly blessed to marry my best friend.  I’ve spent 9 years as the wife of an amazing man and I’m so blessed to walk this journey beside him.  The road hasn’t always been paved smoothly for us, but even the rocky parts have lead to more blessings.  When I watch the way he takes care of the four of us, how he leads us to live in faith, and how he ministers to teenagers with such amazing compassion- I know I must be the luckiest girl alive!

**and we happen to have a lot of fun together, too 🙂

Love you, Babe!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:49 pm

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