Chicago: Views of the City

This may or may not be the FOURTH post about our trip to Chicago.  It was that noteworthy (scroll on down and see for yourself).  But don’t worry, school is starting soon around here so I’m sure there will be lots of first-day-of-school posts and the like.  Then, we can all get back to your regular favorites- adorable pictures of my four blonde.  You are welcome.

But its my blog.  So, first I think I’ll post a few more Chicago photos. (doncha just wanna go there?)

The thing that was awesome about visiting Chicago was there really is something for everyone.  You could spend nothing.  Or you could spend a whole stinkin’ lot of money in this city.  We did a little of both.  I absolutely loved, though, that just about everywhere we went there was something to see.  The views were incredible.  Here are a few of my favorite views of the city:

My first view as I walked into town.
Yes, walked.
I bought a CTA card and was determined to not take cabs, I went the whole 5 days only getting in a cab once.  So, after researching the safety factor, I took the train from the airport and then walked a mile (suitcase for 5 days in tow).  But with views like this, I’m so glad I did.  I texted Ricky (since I arrived two days before him) and said “I can’t decide whether to send you pictures or just let you experience the view for yourself”.

From the John Hancock Building

Our first incredible view after RRL arrived.  This was a great tip we got from a local.  Dessert at the lounge in the Hancock building.  On the NINETY-FIFTH floor.  Hard to do that view justice in photos.

It was awesome because you didn’t have to pay to go to the official observatory, and you didn’t have to have reservations at the restaurant.  And we still got to watch the sun set over Chicago.  Perfect.

And this, female friends, is the view from the bathroom. (that’s no painting by the sinks)

From the Ferris Wheel
I mentioned that we did not really enjoy Navy Pier.  Too many people.  But, the view from the ferris wheel was spectacular.  In the 7 minute ride I took a TON of pictures.  But mostly I was snapping away to keep my mind from thinking too hard about how high we were.  Check out the grip I had on the beams of our little “cabin”.

From Grant Park Music Festival
Quite possibly one of my favorite parts of the trip (after the DIY Chocolate tour, of course).  A free symphony in this amazing park amphitheater, with the lights of Chicago coming on as the backdrop.  A perfect date night.

The view from Church

So glad we did this.  Willow Creek, that we’ve heard so much about, has a congregation in the city.  The speaker this Sunday was an incredible woman seeking to move their community of believers to further love their “neighbors”.  Its so lined up with the movement we’ve been learning about at our home congregation.  It was incredible to experience the spread of the Gospel, to feel like I’m partnering with these strangers in this city.  And, it was pretty cool that the service was inside this incredible theater.  So, this was our view during worship.  Not too shabby.

A view of our food.
Seriously, pretty much every person we talked to about visiting Chicago started with recommendations of where to eat.  And we did our best to taste a huge selection of those recommendations.  We ate everything: chocolate (of course), pizza (twice), hotdogs in park, stuffed lobster at a crab house, brunch at a swanky mexican restaurant, and a couple of the best sandwiches I’ve ever tasted…in THREE stinkin’ days.  Good thing we walked so much 🙂 So yes, we found some food in Chicago.  Thankyouverymuch.

That’s the last one. 
I promise.
Our trip to Chicago is fully documented.
So glad we went.
So glad we are home.
So glad we are together.

Updated: February 1, 2014 — 4:52 am


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  1. Without taking too much of your time…can you tell me how you do those collages on the blog? Or maybe just tell me what it’s called or send a link or something…or maybe I can just google it. Thanks. 🙂

  2. We enjoyed Chicago when we visited last summer – granted, it’s a little different trip with a one year-old. 🙂 Glad you two got to have a fun getaway! I now know who I’ll be consulting for our next trip (though it probably won’t be for a very long time…)

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