Oh Happy Day!

 A very happy day indeed!  A day when we celebrate a great man at our house.
To the Love of my life,
Happy Father’s Day

and Uncle’s Day
to one of the very best that could possibly be celebrated today!
I love the way you treat Lou like a princess, giving her the best gift a girl could ask for- a Daddy who shows her what love is.
And I love the way you teach KJ and Cbug to protect and honor others, especially the ladies in their house.  Giving these boys the best gift, too, a Daddy that shows them how real men love deeply.
AND I love the way you walk beside me, step-by-step, as we raise these children.  You make me a better mother because of the father that you are.  Best of all you love me, in front of them, for them to see your uncompromising love for me…a great gift, indeed.
So on Father’s Day we honor you, we thank you, we LOVE YOU.  And we have a clearer picture of our Heavenly Father’s love because of you.  and that’s
Happy Father’s Day/Uncle’s Day.  You are my very favorite one!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:46 pm

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