REWIND: Some good ‘ole races

So I need to do a few (or a 100, but few seems less stressful) rewind posts to get caught up on the last couple of months.  The first is going to be a pretty long toss in reverse, going all the way back to the end of February (gasp, I know…where does the time go).

RRL and I did two half marathons this spring.  And both, for different reasons, were amazing experiences.  Of the races we have participated in, these might be my favorites so far.


The first was the FTW Cowtown, in February.  It was awesome because it was only the second that RRL and I ran together.  We’ve both participated in several, but for various reasons, this was only the second time that it worked out for us to run together.  And the first kinda doesn’t even count.  It was in Houston.  YUCK.  ’nuff said.  So this was the first ENJOYABLE race that we did together.  He’s my very favorite running buddy.  And if that weren’t enough we ran “with” another family member, too! 
*our signs say “In red, white and blue we are…Running with Camp Eggers  Kabul, Afghanistan.  We love Lt Dan, USAF.”
We found out, only days before the race, that my brother (then stationed in Afghanistan), was having a “Cowtown” race at Camp Eggers in Kabul.  Though it wasn’t exactly the same day/time, it definitely felt like we were getting to do something with him and support him in an active way.  I’m already a SAP about family…and about finishing races.  So you can bet there were lots of sappy moments involved when I was already missing my little bro, and then finding out that a piece of us would be together in this way.  I loved that the Cowtown Marathon thought this was important, and sent tshirts, medals and supplies to my brother and other organizers, so that this could be something that families would always remember.  I know ours will. 
A local news channel also got wind of the story about a brother and sister and brother-in-law running this race together.

Which made it especially fun to be running along and have people read the signs our backs, recognize “Lt Dan” from the interview, and ask us to thank him for his service…while were running.  SO COOL.  Of course, we were more than thrilled to be able to pass along that thanks to him.  We are some of his biggest fans!
Our second spring race was ALSO extra cool because we got to do it with ANOTHER family member who worked SO hard to accomplish this goal…. My sweet Momma!  (Doesn’t she look incredible for having just walked 13.1 miles in just a mere 3 hours and 2 minutes? She is awesome.  SERIOUSLY).
Remember the SAP part?  Well, letmetellyouwhat.  Crossing the finish line holding my Momma’s hand on one side and my husband’s hand on the other…a memory I’ll always treasure.  And to make it even sweeter, this race was only a couple of weeks after our niece and nephews came to live with us.  I can’t tell you how much I needed to have these few hours of time with two of my favorite people.  The Lord was so sweet to orchestrate this…we’d planned on it for months, long before we knew just how much we would value it.
And while we walked, of course, the honoree of our February race was still not far from our minds.  Here’s Momma saying ‘We love you Lt D!” as we passed under the flag he works so hard to protect.
So there you have it. 
The family that runs (and walks) together…
Well, we’d stay together ANYWAY.  But this sure was a fun way to do it!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:46 pm

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