I’m coming back, I promise

Maybe I shouldn’t promise.  But I really want to try to make (another) blogging comeback.  I love documenting our lives here.  And I love getting share with some of you that I rarely see. In fact, I even have one friend that I already LOVE that I only really know because of this blog (insert Kathy shout-out).  So, all of that said….

I don’t know why I haven’t been a better blogger this year.  I mean, in the last two months I’ve basically just been sitting around eating junk food.  Well, that and… 

Birthday celebrations for Cbug
Christmas celebrations with RRL’s family (in January)
Training for and completing a half marathon
Keeping my nephews and niece for three weeks
Then helping those sweet kiddos move to their new home
Spending 3 days at the children’s hospital with our “middlest” boy
Volunteering at the JBF cconsignment sale
Two visits from my parents
Celebrating RRL’s birthday
Packing RRL and KJ off on an international trip
Making a spur of the moment decision to put our house on the market
Attempting to completely clean-out every square inch of said house (in a matter of days)
And still working 25 hours a week.
All while hanging out in my third trimester with three other small children at home.

You know, just sitting around.  Sheesh.  As one facebook friend politely put it, we might be “in need of an intervention”.  We’ve been anything but “sitting” for the last few months. 
But the part about the junk food actually is 100% accurate.

I’m cutting myself a little slack, all of the above considered.  But today I’m starting the comeback.  I’d say the above list gives me a few topics to write about.  One at a time, one at a time. BREATHE.  Breathe. breathe.


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:29 am

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