38 weeks and (not)Counting

If this was Cbug, he would have been born 8 days ago.
If this was KJ, we would have about twelve more days to wait.
If this was Lou, the stinker would wait another SEVENTEEN DAYS. Ugh.
BUT…this is CTL.  And already he is his very own person.  So we have no idea when he will debut.
Every night I go to sleep is like the anticipation of Christmas Eve…only you never know WHEN you’ll actually wake up to Christmas and the gifts it is bringing.
Sweet C baby, there are lots of hands ready to hold you…hope you are ready for this craziness!
*Just in case anyone is tempted to comment about how “small” I am at 38 weeks, I went ahead and posted the quite unflattering picture of RRL with his arms literally stretched out ALL.THE.WAY to be able to reach around me.  But, thanks all the same.

Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:29 am


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  1. You are beautiful!! LOVE that last picture, so precious. Can’t wait to meet your new little one!

  2. I love how you measured each day based on when the other siblings came. Cute idea. And I love even MORE the idea of it being like Christmas Eve! I’ve never heard that analogy before and it’s SO true!!!! One of the sweetest gifts of all. You are absolutely glowing and beautiful. (And you don’t look big…but I know you probably feel that way, especially those poor ankles. They don’t seem to enjoy week 38 and on. At least mine didn’t!) I don’t know how you blog with 3 kids but I hope you can continue with 4. I seriously enjoy every single post and the love, honesty, faith, and treasured moments that exude from every page. Love you girl!!!

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