2nd Annual Get-Away

How many times do you have to do something before it becomes “annual”…twice in a row, five times in a row, one time with the intention of repeating next year?

As I fully intend to continue my little tradition of a fall escape, I’ll call this my second annual. Last year, RRL sent pregnant-me off to lectureships at our Alma mater for a few days of r&r. It was so much fun and much appreciated. As the event approached this year, I was a little more hesitant about taking off. We had just returned from our fabulous week away and it seemed incredibly selfish to leave the boys AGAIN (not to mention that I kind of like spending my time WITH them). RRL encouraged me to go, nearly pushing me out the door on Sunday, and I’m so grateful! It was a great 2 days.

On top of just getting to be on campus, stay in a college-girls’ house and visiting with so many fun people who have graduated from our youth group, highlights included:

1) Yummy zucchini bread from Hickory Street. (we’ll not discuss amount consumed)

2) A record number of hours spent alone in the library where, among other things, I achieved a very balanced and tidy family budget (can’t help it, I’m an accountant).

3) WONDERFUL lectures by KV. I loved getting to hear this story again. It made me want to go back and reread all of the blog entries they wrote on how mightily God worked to bring sweet their youngest daughter into their family. Even more it was a inspiration to spend some time studying the Word on all of the scriptures related to how precious we are as adopted children of our Lord.

4) Lunch with two of my favorite people, Dr. and Mrs. Willis. Seriously, I learn from them in every second I spend in their presence. It’s almost overwhelming.

5) Catching up with Dub-dub and discussing the sad state of our social club (and other very important topics). While at their house I had the distinct honor of having an orange grasshopper named after me…thanks, CK.

6) Of course- coming home. Its strange to think that in last year’s post I just came home to RRL and KJ. We’ve since added Cbug, but I already can’t imagine a time without him. Isn’t it strange how quickly that happens?

Thanks, Babe, for taking such good care of our precious boys so I could go. I love you!!


Updated: January 15, 2014 — 9:07 pm


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  1. I’m so glad you got to go again! What a treat! I am SOO jealous that you got to eat at Hickory Street. I can’t tell how much of that zucchini bread I have consumed! 🙂 It is THE BEST!

  2. your welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. We did miss you though.

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