I missed you when…

RRL and Cbug have been gone for 8 days.  Hopefully you’ll get to here more about their international    adventure soon.  And I can’t wait to tell you about “random gift card week” on the homefront.  But for now I’m stealing SBucks wifi near the airport, three sleeping babes in tow, and waiting on the delayed plane bringing my boys home.

Dear RRL-

When I found a sippy cup in the car that had contents turned to sour cream
When the pint sized person taking your place in bed had lethal knees and elbows
When no one knew I had a busy week at work and still kept it together on the homefront
When it was dark and I was scared to take the trash out
When I stayed up way too late planning our getaway
When I left dirty dishes in the sink and they were still there in the morning
When I realized the mail didn’t come in from the mailbox all week
When  our kids said funny things but I knew no one else would find them quite as hilarious
When I hatched one of my hare brained schemes (“random gift card week”) and you weren’t there to play along 
When I realized I had no idea how “it” works (and “it” was pretty much any contraption with an “i” at the beginning)
When I carried heavy boxes down the stairs 
When there were tough decisions to be made and I needed your level head to balance my emotions 
When I woke up in the middle of the night knowing something in my heart needed to change
When I knew what you would say, but still wanted to hear it from you
When no one else would understand 
I missed you.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:24 am

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