First day(s) of school

Remember how excited the brothers were about starting school together?
Well, it didn’t work out quite the way any of us planned.  KJ got sick during the night before the first day of school, so he didn’t get to go.  We were all disappointed.  But actually, it ended up being a good thing for Cbug.  We had been a little nervous about C walking into school with his big brother- only to (re)discover that he wasn’t actually going to the same class.  So, this way we had time at home to talk about KJ staying home, Cbug had time to build some confidence and he got to have a special morning riding by himself to school with Daddy.  I definitely wouldn’t wish KJ to be sick and have to miss something he was so excited about.  But this was just another example of how our good and gracious God can use all things to his sweet glory.
Here is on his very first day of “big boy school”. 
I especially love the photo on the right.  Such classic C-ness.  He makes the craziest faces.

Especially notice the stickers. This was part of the confidence building process. We let him take Lightening McQueen (in the form of a sticker) to school with him. But just one sticker wasn’t enough- he needed one for each of his friends. So before he left, he plastered his shirt with them and then passed them out when he got there.
When I picked him up his teacher was wearing the Mater sticker. I wonder if she knew what an honor that was?
And then, he came home like this.
Still adorable, but had to get his shorts changed
(walk of shame on the way out of school- yes, I do know that the plaids don’t match- I didn’t do it)
and his hair was a mess
and he was absolutely beside himself with JOY.
Love it!
After waiting and waiting…
Their first day of school together.
They were bouncing-off-the-walls excited.  So this was the ONLY picture I got of them.
Oh, wow.  If there is this much excitement over the first day PRESCHOOL together…
I can only imagine the days ahead.
and I can’t wait!
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:50 pm

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