because we’re just that cool…

So, I have already bemoaned the fact that my children were not that interested in the cold, wet, white stuff.   (Actually KJ did enjoy it a bit more the second day).  We ended up with over a foot of snow-fall  in our area and actually measured more than 8 inches of accumulation in our yard.  I know some of my more-northernly-located friends and familly will laugh about this, but RRL and I were practically giddy at the sight of all that snow.  After all, this kind of snow happens in our city…exactly NEVER.  So, while our children could not appreciate history in the making, their parents were not about to let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass them by.
We went to a marriage conferene Friday night so all 3 of our snow-fearing-children were spending the night with Grammy.
So, just before the conference I had an amazing idea.  One of things that I love about my hubby is that he puts up with my hare-brained-ideas that often result in FAILURE.  May I be so bold, though, as to say this was NOT one of those instances. 
This idea was pure brilliance.
A late night sledding date.
Did I mention that it was brillant?
We had so much fun, had an entire huge field of snow to ourselves
(since it was 11 pm and everyone else had to go home when their mommies and daddies called them),
and we laughed more than we have in a long time.
Our laughing may have had something to do with the fact that THIS was our “sled”…
Hey, you have to get creative when you go to Walmart during the 30 minute break from
the conference in hopes to find something that could be used as a sled.

You thought I was kidding, didn’t you?  NOPE…we definitely took turns using the lid
(which was an amazing sled) and the plastic tub (which was not so amazing).  We raced and laughed and crashed and laughed. 
We took turns, that is, until RRL (and shattering pieces of plastic tub) went flying all over the hillside…and I collapsed on the ground in laughter (with him, not at him, of course)

But our fun in the snow did not end with the shattering of our “sled”.
We also had a snow fight (and I used my “sled” as a shield)
And made a snowman.
(Hey it was late, so no knocking our snow-man-making skills)
And did I mention we laughed?
A lot.
Today I’m praising the Lord for hare-brained-ideas
and the moments that bring us closer together.
Love you, Babe.
Thanks for the fun in the snow.
We’re just that cool.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 8:52 pm


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  1. I’m not sure which surprises me more – the 8″ of snow or the hills you found to sled on in Dallas. ??? I’m not at ALL surprised that you 2 went sledding. I’m jealous! You guys got more snow than we did!

  2. Awesome. I L-O-V-E this!!!

  3. Man, I wish we had a babysitter for Hudson while we went sledding. Looks like fun. We took him along and aborted after he went down several times and didn’t enjoy ANY of them! 😉

  4. love love love this! So glad yall can still laugh and have a great time together!

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