Baby Brothers Big Day

Baby C’s arrival was fairly uneventful.  And given our history, that is actually a really good thing.
I will say- I don’t believe ANY of the old wives tales about how to induce labor (especially ones that involve eating or drinking something nasty).  EXCEPT, I’m inclined to give some credence to one new one.  If you write a blog post about your baby NOT being born, they will likely come very soon.  I didn’t have a blog when KJ was born, but it certainly worked with CbugWorked with Lou.  AND worked with Baby Brother (who still doesn’t have an official blog name).

I will not comment about whether or not the random lady on yahoo message board (via Google search) was actually fairly accurate on diagnosing my early signs of labor.  Coincidence, surely!  And a little creepy.

So, I wrote a post on Thursday morning that you should go back and read if you missed it at the time because it is quite hilarious that he was born hours later.  When I wrote it, I sincerely had ZERO indication that we were any closer to meeting our angel boy.  I worked on Thursday, came home and rested a bit while the kids took naps, and then cooked dinner.  Normal Thursday stuff.

Then, as we were finishing up dinner I started feeling funny.  And that’s really all it was, just a funny feeling.  And then I noticed some leaking water (posts about birth are the only time it is acceptable to type such a sentence). But still wasn’t having contractions.  I didn’t want to alert RRL, but I did say maybe we should start gathering some of our things just in case.  About 7/7:30, after RRL and I finished cleaning up the kitchen, getting kids bathed and starting circle time, we decided we better call someone to stay with the bigs (thanks, Hatch and Grammy).  I still wasn’t experiencing regular contractions, but was more and more convinced things were getting started and that my water had broken.  Given our history (especially Cbug’s quick arrival), we decided better safe than sorry and headed out the door to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital, hung out, got checked in, sent some texts and argued with the nurses about whether I needed an IV port (I lost and have a painful bruise to prove it- a completely useless bruise, I might add, since we never used the IV). I continued to just have some intermittent contractions.
Around 9:30pm business got started, I (once again) couldn’t believe I was dumb enough to do this unmedicated, and started trying to visualize my first moments of meeting my son.  I remember repeating (not sure if it was out loud or not), “I’ll have a baby boy in my arms so soon”.  I also remember at one point saying to the nurse, “I’m pretty sure HE IS STUCK.”  And at the time I was fully convinced he might never get unstuck.

But soon he was “unstuck” indeed.  At 10:22 pm (nice round military time- 22:22) he arrived.  From the time my contractions were consistent and I was considered in “active labor” things progressed so quickly that the on call doctor made it into the room just in time to clean-up the mess.  There were several comments made about a nurse delivering the baby.  While I’d prefer to think that I delivered him, she was very helpful and encouraging through the process.  So, for those keeping track at home…that’s Doctors 2, Nurses 2 for Team L baby deliveries.

Because RRL and I had both had dreams in recent weeks that we were surprised by the birth of GIRL instead of a boy, I asked pretty quickly for assurance that we could keep calling him “Christopher”.  I was assured that he was a he, an absolutely healthy and perfect baby boy.  His head was seriously fake it was so round and wonderful.  And the first moments with him were even better than I imagined during labor.  A rumor tells me that a certain celebrity may have “needed” a $30,000 “push present”.  While I’m sure something sparkly added glamour to her hospital stay, kissing this sweet head was absolutely all the reward I needed.

It is pretty amazing that in this moment, just like I documented with his sister, the rest of the world fades away.  And amazingly, the labor pains that were only minutes in the past did not seem like they were so bad after all.  “This little life is a treasured blessing.  And he’s ours.  Wow, oh wow.”  That’s pretty much all I was thinking.
This next kiss was pretty great, too.  I absolutely cannot imagine delivery without RRL.  So supportive, so encouraging.  He was AMAZING.  Good thing he didn’t listen to my irrational request to do it alone.  Shew.
And here’s what the newest MALE member of our family thinks about parents k-i-s-s-i-n-g.  I think he’ll fit right in at our house. 
What an amazing day.  One I’ll likely not ever forget.
But just in case I do,
its now officially BLOGGED.
Updated: January 15, 2014 — 4:28 am


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  1. Congratulations! He is precious!

  2. That last picture is too funny! I love it. I looked back at the past blogs. I did follow you when Lou was born, but I don’t think I was when Cbug was…at least I don’t remember you thought of naming him Hudson, and surely I would remember that?!?! Although my Hudson was not around yet, so maybe not. I’m sure you told me and I just forgot.

    Loved reading about the zoo again. “Hey stork, where’s my sister?” Classic Lewis. Hilarious!!!

    I think it’s funny you thought he was stuck. Girl, if you had ANY idea what regular laboring women go through. Your kids practically slid right out!!! I’m not saying it was easy (by ANY stretch of the imagination…), I’m just saying it was funny. My kids were BOTH very uncooperative as far as that goes! LONG LABOR! But worth it, no doubt! 😉

  3. love it….and so glad you blogged it so I could read it!!

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